October 11, 2005

Carnival of Liberty

#15 is up.

The Picket line notes and partially fisks an interesting article-The Uses of Disaster.
Wouldn't it be interesting if the government acted as if the public consisted of reasonable adults? Oh, wait, then it might not have much reason to exist.

Eric's got a new plan for a new tea party.

Dave may not be there, but he's putting out a clear response to those who think we should pull out of Iraq in response to Katrina and Rita.

No Government Cheese has a post against government funding of art. A position for which I somewhat agree. I do think it will be interesting, if we as a nation get to the point that we are working much shorter hours, just what we do with our spare time.

The Unrepentant Individual notes a point of agreement between himself and someone strongly worried about the ecology.

And finally, Combs thinks Microsoft's HD DVD standard is better for individual rights than Blu-Ray. I hope you're right.

Lots of other interesting, meaty posts. Grab a cup of java, take your shoes off, and read.

Posted by Owlish at October 11, 2005 10:21 AM | TrackBack
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