March 11, 2006

Brokeback Mountain and The Oscar

I didn't watch the Oscars, I don't really care. But this paragraph makes it clear why Brokeback Mountain not winning is such a big deal:

None of the press coverage I have seen reflects how much precedent has been broken. It is substantial. No film in history that has won the best picture award from both the Los Angeles and New York Film Critics Association has ever lost the best picture Oscar, until Brokeback Mountain. No film that has won the producers’, directors’ and writers’ guild awards has ever lost the best picture Oscar, until Brokeback Mountain. No film that has won the Golden Globe, the directors’ guild award and led in Oscar nominations, has ever lost the best picture Oscar, until Brokeback Mountain.

H/T: Right Side of the Rainbow

Posted by Owlish at March 11, 2006 09:50 AM | TrackBack
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