Puttering around a little, feeling sorry for myself. Then I end up on this guy's blog, reading about how he felt when his daughter was born prematurely and died, and then how his ex-wife has been stalking him, and either has breast cancer or is lying about having breast cancer.
Yeah, I'm lonely, I'm too shy for my own good, and what plans I had for life 10 years ago are just shattered. But it can always be worse.... much, much worse.
Update: I think he's got comments at the top of the post, and permalinks at the bottom. Either that, or he only has monthly archives. I'm experimenting.
I'm sorry you are lonely. But, still, better to be alone than to be trapped in an unhappy relationshp. I, for one, through your writing, think you are pretty special and think you should not give up the hope of finding someone who will appreciate you.
Geez, that sounds like a bad combination of a hallmark card and a Dear Abby letter. Still, the sentiments are real enough.
Posted by: RP at November 1, 2005 03:29 AM