October 05, 2005

SciFi List

Pete at APCB takes a gander at a list of Boston.com's 50 Top Scifi Shows of all time. He's unimpressed, and makes his own list.

So, my top 10. I'm excluding superhero shows and horror from the start. The ranking is more in terms of which shows I would want to see again, rather than which I think had great impact on the future of mankind or were great artistic visions. Also, there are a couple of shows I've never heard of, much less seen [Nowhere Man?]

Honorable Mention: Andromeda, Sliders, Galaxy Rangers

10.Harsh Realm
9.Dark Angel
8.Earth Final Conflict
7.Star Trek [DS9]
6.Buck Rogers
4.Dr. Who
2.Star Trek [original]

From IMBD: "Are you kidding me? This is Harsh Realm. Kindness is when your buddy robs you and shoots you and DOESN'T rape your woman. "

Update: Considering a couple of others, including Enterprise and Seven Days. Dunno.

Posted by Owlish at October 5, 2005 05:42 PM | TrackBack

Interesting list. I'll have to come up with my own. I think Sliders, the first season, would make it on the top 10. That show was so cool for the first several episodes. Like Firefly, it's one that Stacey liked, too. Which is nice, since she's not normally into SF like I am.

Posted by: JohnL at October 6, 2005 12:22 AM

I never could get into Sliders [it was #10 on Boston.com's list]. I've watched and somewhat enjoyed individual episodes, but never watched them religiously.

Posted by: owlish at October 6, 2005 08:55 AM

No X-Files?

Posted by: ethne at October 10, 2005 01:34 PM

Not really. I never got into watching them. I've seen some of the episodes, but I never got into the characters or the plot, even though at one point I had a girlfrient [yes, female] who was seriously into the X-Files.

A list of the most influential SciFi TV shows would be very different, and likely would include the X-Files.

Posted by: owlish at October 10, 2005 05:38 PM
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