doc Russia has a great post talking about the fun and excitement post Katrina. The fun part:
[clears throat, does best Jeff Foxworthy impression]
If you count on the government to provide a safe, clean and confortable shelter from a category 5 hurricane (which the rest of us call internment camps)....
.....You are going to be disappointed.
If you count on the government to provide you with prescription drugs,
.....You are going to be disappointed.
If you count on the government to keep it's mitts off your inheritence,
.....You are going to be disappointed.
If you count on the government to keep the borders secure,
.....You are going to be disappointed.
Go read the rest.
Posted by Owlish at September 3, 2005 01:40 PM | TrackBack"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"
-Ronald Reagan