December 03, 2004

Life vs me

Life owes me nuthin -> I owe life nuthin

I owe life nuthin -> Life owes me nuthin

There's a RPG named Torg in which a certain group of people is aligned to Good or Evil. It is intentionally simplistic: a good person acts mostly in ways that benefit a group, an evil person acts mostly in ways that benefit himself [or herself, or itself, or veself... English needs better pronouns].

My parents are clearly aligned to good. I think I was aligned to good, but over the past couple of years switched to evil. Maybe.

If all of these people are good, how come I rarely benefit from things that benefit the group? If all of these people are evil, do I have to be evil to be happy?

Does any of this make any sense in the real world?

Posted by Owlish at December 3, 2004 08:51 AM | TrackBack
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