March 04, 2005

Mainstream Media

Instapundit links to a posting by Jay Rosen, who [in case you're wondering, I know I was] is a journalist in a big way - former chairman of New York University's Dept. of Journalism.

The post is fairly long; basically he's arguing that Bush is trying to destroy the "fourth estate" as a policy.

The quote that jumped out at me:

De-certifying the press is a means to a much larger and scarier end. Boehlert's formulation of it: "If the press loses its credibility, that eliminates agreed-upon facts -- the commonly accepted information that is central to public debate."

You know, those agreed-upon facts, like Bush didn't fulfill his military requirements.

Update: and The Daily Brief points to a true screed at Countercolumn about the LA Times' lovely story on North Korea [sexually explicit language used, if you care].

Posted by Owlish at March 4, 2005 07:16 PM | TrackBack
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